Organic Cotton T-Shirts
No GMO seeds, no chemical fertilizers, no toxic dyes.
At I Wear Me we strive to do our best to do everything we can to lessen the impact on the environment. We ensure this by making our t-shirts from 100% organic cotton and other Eco-friendly materials. Organic t-shirts lowers the ecological impact on the environment as the cotton its made from does not require any kind of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for its growth while still making a superiorly soft and comfortable wear. Presenting I Wear Me 100% certified organic cotton t-shirts – Soft and comfortable tees designed and patterned to give you that right fit. No toxic dyes, chemicals, harmful fertilizers. Shop here for Eco-friendly organic t-shirts only at I Wear Me. Know more about Sustainable and Organic Cotton
How is organic t-shirts better than its conventional cousin?
T-shirts has always been traditionally made from conventional cotton. Conventional cotton are crops grown from GMO (Genetically Modified Seeds) These seeds are especially made to give higher yield, however these require a lot of resources. Conventional trade practices and higher margins have led producers to grow conventional cotton on large scale using high yielding genetically modified seeds. GM seeds intakes a high amount of fertilizers and chemicals to produce cotton. These are expensive and moreover harm the soil fertility in the long run. The poor farmers have no choice but to produce it due to high demand for cotton from traders who earns even higher margins by paying farmers marginal prices for their produce, thus affecting farmer communities.

Enter the Good Samaritan. Organic Cotton T-shirts
Organic t-shirts made from certified organic cotton on the other hand never uses GM seeds, hence it does not require any kind of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic cotton uses alternate natural pesticides and fertilizers which does not affect the soil fertility and ensures the soil remains healthy for a longer time. The cost of producing organic cotton is also relatively lower as there is no use of expensive GM seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and heavy use of labour. This contributes to farmer’s profitability when he sells his organic produce at a minimum fair price and sometimes even at a premium to buyers supporting ethical and fair trade practises.
Lets go organic and do our bit to reduce and lessen the impact on the environment. I Wear Me calls upon you for your support. And hey! if you are looking for customized and unique merchandise for your company, NGO, sports club, music band, event house, workshop, I Wear Me would love to partner you to design some really cool customized organic t shirts / merchandise for you.